technology used in healthcare

What Are The Technologies Used in Healthcare to Make it More Convenient?

Healthcare is incomplete without technology. The combination of healthcare and technology makes future-driven healthcare. 

However, healthcare is moving towards digital transformation in order to make it more accessible and reliable. But why technology is necessary and where did it all starts? 

Let’s understand… 

When was the technology introduced in healthcare?

It all starts back in the 1960s and 1970s when for the first time technology was introduced and technological advancement inspired the development of healthcare information management systems. 

Gradually, more development took place and some revolutionary technology, such as artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain, and so on, emerged. 

Although, today healthcare is transforming into a digital era called digital health. Where using this technology healthcare is solving certain issues and challenges they are facing. 

So, let’s take a deep dive into each of these technologies. What are they and how can they be utilized in healthcare… 

What are the technology being used in healthcare? 

These technologies are primarily used in healthcare. Additionally, this technology is regularly applied to a variety of operational tasks and healthcare management tasks.

Artificial intelligence in healthcare 

Artificial intelligence is a combination of human intelligence by machines. Which has the capabilities of problem-solving, data analysis, and decision-making like the human mind. 

Furthermore, AI in healthcare is mainly utilized in clinical decision, and diagnosis support by generating important insights from a large collected set of data. 

However, healthcare firms collect so much data that it is impossible to analyze it without using AI. 

As a result, AI-enabled tools and Software allow getting insights to be generated from electronic records and help in research as well. For instance, pharmaceutical companies use AI in drug discovery.  

Internet of things in healthcare 

IoT is a physical device embedded with sensors and other technology. For the purpose of building connections and exchanging data. 

There are many IoT-enabled devices and software used for tracking patients’ symptoms such as a Glucose meter, heart-rate monitoring, remote patient monitoring, and so on. 

As a result, using IoT tracking patient metrics can be possible in real-time and can be also shared with healthcare professionals which allows them to keep an eye on patients’ health from anywhere around the world. 

This can stop such events from happening with patients and help them to get treatment at the right time. However, IoMT is also one of the specific tools which are used in healthcare. 

Cloud computing in healthcare 

The distribution of computer services, including servers, databases, software, and analytics, through the internet is what is commonly referred to as cloud computing.

A sizable database is available from healthcare organizations. Therefore, they must spend money on server services, staff training, and maintenance.

This causes a lot of problems eventually anytime a significant problem arises. However, applications built on a serverless architecture are simpler to manage. You can save a lot of money by paying a third party rather than purchasing your own server.

As a result, healthcare professionals and hospitals can boost patient participation by providing access to their medical information, test results, and even e-prescriptions through the use of cloud computing.

Machine learning in healthcare

Machine learning is one of the tools of artificial intelligence which is used to manage clinical data. 

For instance, machine learning algorithms can be utilized in scanning and pattern recognition from medical imaging like X-rays, which can help to determine diseases. 


Telemedicine is telecommunication through electronic information and technology such as computers, cameras, and videoconferencing. 

It is widely used in the healthcare domain by healthcare professionals to provide primary care to their patients which is also known as a virtual treatment. 


Telemedicine is more of a software enable with several tech-driven features which allow patients to connect to their doctor by seating in their comfort zone. 

And meanwhile, doctors can treat patients through video calls, chat and even send the e-prescription as well. The technology was widely used during the pandemic and major physicians around the world are adopting it. 

Blockchain in healthcare 

Blockchain is one of the controversial technologies. However, the potential to improve secure and convenient healthcare information between patients and healthcare providers is clear by the day. 

This tool’s design enables numerous users without risking the security of using a single ledger. As a result, blockchain is utilized in patient data management, data security, supply chain management systems, and clinical trials as well. 

Nanotechnology in healthcare 

Nanotechnology in healthcare refers to the use of materials and devices with dimensions on the nanometer scale in medical treatments and diagnosis. 

These tiny structures can be used to deliver drugs directly to specific cells in the body, improve imaging and diagnostic tools, and create new materials for medical devices. 

Examples of applications of nanotechnology in healthcare include targeted drug delivery, diagnostic imaging, and regenerative medicine. However, there are also concerns about the potential toxicity and long-term effects of nanomaterials on human health.

Although, the adoption of nanotechnology in healthcare assists healthcare professionals in diagnosing, preventing, and monitoring disease. 

Big data in healthcare 

Big data can help improve the accuracy of diagnoses and treatment strategies. For instance, radiologists can more correctly diagnose cancer by using machine learning algorithms to examine medical imaging data.

The adoption of electronic health records is another example of how big data is used in healthcare (EHRs).

Big data in healthcare

Patients’ medical histories, lab findings, and treatment plans are just a few of the details that may be found about patients in EHRs.

Healthcare practitioners can use this data to analyze patterns and trends that can help guide medical research and enhance patient care.

Virtual reality in healthcare 

VR(virtual reality) technology can be used to enhance medical treatment, education, and research. 

VR allows healthcare professionals and patients to experience simulations of medical procedures, environments, and scenarios that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to replicate in the real world.

VR can also be used as a therapeutic tool, particularly in the field of mental health

Vr in healthcare

For instance, VR can be used to treat conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by exposing patients to simulations of traumatic events in a controlled setting, allowing them to process and overcome their trauma.

To sum it up

Although, technology is the only thing that can truly make healthcare more accessible and reliable for everyone. As a result, technology has always been used in healthcare to simplify processes and find solutions to issues.

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