Hair Loss Due to Pollution: Cause And Prevention

Growing lifestyles and populations are rapidly releasing pollution worldwide. 

We are breathing polluted air that is filled with harmful gasses like hydrogen chloride, benzene or toluene, dioxin, and compounds like asbestos. 

According to the report, “around 2400 gigatonnes of Co2 was emitted by human activity. And 950 gigatons went to the atmosphere from 1850 to 2019.”

Furthermore, pollution also increases the risk of diseases like heart disease lung cancer, hair loss, and skin infection. 

Today, we are going to talk about hair issues. How does pollution harm your hair and causes hair loss? 

How does pollution harm your hair?: Can pollution cause hair loss? 

You are already aware of how pollution can harm your body. But, it might be possible that you don’t know how dangerous it would be. 

The pollution not only impacts your inner body but also harms the outer surface like hair and skin. 

In addition, air pollution can cause several hair issues like dandruff and other hair symptoms like alopecia. However, the polluted air affects mostly the frontal part of the hair. 

The dust particles impact the skin and hair. Which possibly settles in the scalp of the hair. 

While If you are living in a polluted city then you might know how difficult it is to protect your hair from pollution 

Fortunately, if the right care is taken, your hair can be protected from harmful UV rays and polluted air particles that cause numerous hair issues. 

So, let’s see what hair problem causes due to pollution. And what are the precautions for it? 

Related Post: Top 5 Symptoms of Hair Loss And Their Preventions

What hair problem causes due to pollution?: Why is it so bad for our hair? 

Most people think that oily hair is a good thing. But the one who has oily hair is more likely to be damaged by pollutants like smoke and dust. 

When the oily builds up, it begins breaking and excessing seeding of your hair. 

However, polluted particles come with several bacteria which cause scalp infection, and later on, it turns into a hair problem when the level increases. 

Causes hair loss

As per the research, Scientists have found that the negative effects of pollution can also extend to our scalps. Dust particles and exposure to common air pollutants (also known as particulate matter, or PM for short) could be associated with hair loss

In simple words, when the hair fossil cells were influenced by common air pollutants then it slow downs the ability of the new hair growth cells. 

Gradually, it spread all over the scalp and breaks the hair growth cells. Which causes hair fall issues. Meanwhile, new hair growth cells were also slowed. 

Causes Dandruff

Dandruff is contained due to several causes including irritating, oily skin, and yeast-like fungus.

However, Pollution is also responsible for dandruff. Dust particles and the bacteria present in them settle into the scalp and help in causing dandruff. 

Causes of hair issues like Alopecia 

Male and female baldness appears in various ways relying on what’s causing it. Alopecia is the first stage where small patches start growing in the scalp area. 

In addition, it begins from the frontal part of the head. Which is known as the first stage of baldness. 

However, there are many reasons why alopecia occurs, and pollution is one of them. 

Causes Hair Ageing 

Hair Color change is one of the clear signs of aging. The color of hair changes with time because of the pigment called melanin. 

The hair follicles produce melanin and when it slows the process. Hair color started switching. 

In addition, these issues are now noticed in young adults. The average age was now 20-25 when hair started changing color. 

Due to pollution, the amount of melanin starts decreasing in the scalp and causes hair aging. 

How to protect your hair from pollution?: Tips for prevention of it

There are various ways through which you can protect your hair from harmful pollution. Making it has habit will be more effective. 

Because it’s human nature we do start caring about things but are not able to maintain them. And later on, we skipped and forget. 

So, to get effective results to build a habit of proper hair care. Let’s see which are the solution in order to tackle hair loss issues due to pollution. 

Cover your hair: 

Pollution is mostly affected whenever one is traveling. So, make sure that you protect your hair from pollution by covering up it. 

One can also wear a cap or headscarf to cover up hair from all sides. Which will protect your hair from harmful particles of pollution. 

Clean your hair regularly

Usually, there are a lot of pollution dust particles present on our scalps. And removing those particles is necessary otherwise it can be problematic for your hair. 

Gradually, it will start disturbing your hair cells and damage the scalp as well. So to remove it washing your hair regularly is essential. Do wash your hair at least thrice a week if you have oily skin

Use pollution fight-shampoo

if you are the one who is suffering from hair loss problems due to pollution then make sure you wash your hair using pollution fight shampoo. 

Using pollution-fight shampoo is effective to protect your hair from pollutant particles. In addition, also check the necessary ingredients while buying any shampoo. 

Avoid using shampoo which includes harmful chemicals like Sodium Laureth Sulfate, paraben, artificial fragrances, phenoxyethanol, and phthalates. 

Scrub aloe vera in the hair 

Aloe vera has various active ingredients such as vitamins A, B12, C, and E which are very helpful in strengthening your hair. 

In addition, fatty acids and ammonia with high vitamins present in aloe vera play a significant role in healthy hair follicles. 

Aloe vera

However, use natural aloe vera from the plant, and avoid using aloe vera products because most of the products include harmful chemicals. For effective results use natural aloe vera only. 

Add Nutrition to your diet plan 

Good nutrition plays an important role in boosting re-growth cells. The most effective way to reduce hair loss due to pollution is to consume good nutritional food in your diet plan. 

Schedule your hair care diet plan to include all the necessary nutritional foods like antioxidants, protein, and iron which are helpful factors in producing hair growth cells. 

Eat Antioxidants like green tea, walnuts, almonds, and flax seeds. Also include Iron like figs, turmeric powder, jaggery, cumin seeds, and haleem seeds. 

Apart from this add Protein like eggs, soya beans, and fenugreek seeds. One can also consume seasonal fruits. 

Wind up 

Although, If you are already facing hair loss issues and thinking of solving them then it’s a golden period for you. 

Because once the symptoms started developing in your hair it might become difficult for you to re-grow your hair. 

So, take proper action and schedule your hair care plan. Because the earlier you will start the chance of being affected will be less.

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